Catching up with Special Olympics New Hampshire Board Chairperson
Kelley Gelinas has been volunteering with Special Olympics New Hampshire (SONH) since 1995. Originally introduced to SONH through her employer, she says she gravitated towards Special Olympics because “Once you meet the athletes, you fall in love.”
Today, Kelley is the Vice President – Field Marketing Manager for TD Bank covering Maine and New Hampshire. TD Bank prides itself on supporting many non-profit organizations in the Granite State and of course, Special Olympics New Hampshire is among them.
Kelley Gelinas has been a member of the SONH Board of Directors since 2012. This year she began a two-year term as chairperson. She describes her responsibilities as “keeping up with what is happening within the organization and making sure she knows what (SONH President) Mary Conroy and staff needs from the board.” Kelley attends committee meetings and views herself as the conduit between the Special Olympics New Hampshire office and the board of directors.
Her overriding goal as Board Chairperson is to be certain that “Special Olympics is at the forefront of the community and making certain that volunteers and supporters understand the incredible difference they are making in our athletes’ lives.”
Kelley volunteers at many SONH events including the State Summer Games and State Winter Games, Penguin Plunge and Winni Dip. When pressed she will admit that her favorite event is the Summer Games. According to Kelley “It’s because it is the largest group of athletes and volunteers. You get to meet so many families, friends and care providers. The whole event just feels like one big happy family.”