Down 50 Pounds Thanks to Special Olympics
Name: Karla Marion
Age: 33
Hometown: Haverhill
Local Program: North Country United
Sports: Basketball, Floor Hockey and Soccer
Karla Marion doesn’t like the gym…but she does like being part of a team! In 2014 Karla decided to become a Special Olympics athlete again (after taking a decade break). She got involved for the second time because she wanted to get healthy and hadn’t had success on her own. Today, she is healthier, happier and has lost over 50 pounds!
Karla is motivated to do her best from fans in the stands cheering her on at competitions. She also likes to encourage her teammates and tried to introduce new people to Special Olympics. Karla has gotten many of her friends to join North Country United, her local program. Karla likes inspiring others to get out and join a team “because it helps with good health and a happy mood”.
Karla has won many gold medals and one silver medal. Her favorite Special Olympics memory is the first time she took home a gold. “The team got to keep the game ball and they all signed it!” she recalled.
Outside of Special Olympics, Karla lives independently, has a pet lizard and really enjoys spending time with her nephew.