WMUR-TV News Director will once again run Boston Marathon for SONH
Four hours, nine minutes and six seconds. That is WMUR News Director Alisha McDevitt’s official time for her running of the 124th Boston Marathon in 2020. It was a virtual marathon, not to say it was not a real marathon. McDevitt completed her virtual marathon on September 13th of 2020 in the Merrimack Valley Region of Massachusetts.
Not only did she run every inch of a 26.2-mile course, but because it was a self-policed effort, she added a little extra distance to her route “just to be sure” she says.
With the virtual 2020 marathon behind us, she is looking forward to October 11th, 2021, when the 125th running of the Boston Marathon is set to take place on a Monday the way the Boston Athletic Association intended. Alisha McDevitt will once again be running in support of the athletes of Special Olympics New Hampshire.
Her fundraising goal for 2021 is $10,000. SONH VP of Development Carol Cray notes that “all of these dollars will go towards getting our athletes back on the playing field safely.” She also notes that there are plans in the works for some “Dining to Donate” events with Alisha that will also allow people to donate towards her $10,000 goal as well as other fundraisers to be announced soon. Check the SONH website and social media channels often for details.
This will be her third Boston Marathon outing. The two previous ones were also fundraisers for SONH. Not bad for someone who only started running in 2017. “Luckily for me, my colleague, (WMUR Sports Director) Jamie Staton has helped me learn the ropes over the last four years. I love it!”
Jamie Staton has run the Boston Marathon six times and four of them were fundraising efforts for SONH. Regarding Alisha McDevitt’s run Staton says “I am so glad that Alisha has kept the tradition of a WMUR runner for SONH in the Boston Marathon. She has been training hard in the summer heat, making sure she represents the SONH athletes in the best possible way on race day.” Alisha is currently working on her 16-week training program. According to Staton “This is going to be her best Boston Marathon yet, for sure. Go Alisha!”
The 125th running of the Boston Marathon is scheduled for Monday, October 11th, additional information can be found here. The SONH fundraising page for Alisha McDevitt’s run is live now and donations can be made here.