Parent Info

Welcome to the

White Mountain Special Olympics Community!

Below are some common questions parents, guardians and caretakers have. If you have another question or would like to discuss anything, please let us know!

You can find additional information at the state’s  SONH FAQ page.

What paperwork is required to get started?



What else do I need to do?

Parents, guardians and caretakers are a very important part of our community.  Softly weave in statements on responsibilities … communicating, getting paperwork in, making sure athletes are ready/dressed, etc…  and form the foundation upon which our athletes and coaches can achieve great things!   

Does White Mountain Special Olympics have opportunities for my athlete outside of competition?

Yes!  We have many formal and informal social events throughout the year.  We also host an annual  Golf Tournament, pasta dinners, and raffles to raise funds for our team.

At the state level, Special Olympics of New Hampshire offers many opportunities outside of competition, such as athlete leadership, the Penguin Plunge, and many athlete-involved fundraisers and social events throughout the year.  Link to calendar or ?

What if my athlete wants to play a sport which White Mountain Special Olympics doesn’t offer?

No problem! We’ll work with you to connect your athlete with another local program that offers the sport. If other athletes in our region are interested too, we might even add it to our offerings in the future!

How can I get more involved?  Link to other page


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